A symbiotic agricultural adventure that seeks a balance of crop production and environment preservation. A sustainable farm project maximizes use of resources while consuming as little as possible – to realize the crop; emphasizing net overall resource gain. A sustainable farm harmonizes resources and the environment using methods that are environmentally and ecologically sound. Such balance includes use of labor whenever possible,  contributing to the community, and climate awareness.

There are a number of fundamental aspects to successful sustainable farm projects.  The most critical focus lies right at the start, before the operation has even begun. Proper planning and acquisition will result in both short and long term prosperity and vibrancy.


  • farm aspects are each complimentary of other aspects whenever possible
  • all aspects maximize conservation and the minimum use of  natural resources
  • we produce highest quality product while harmonizing with the environment
  • emphasis on using human labor as opposed to machinery whenever possible
  • self sustaining plan and focus of each our farm projects
  • we stress continuing education, furthering expertise, and learning from error

This is Chase Ed Global LLC